Apartheid’s Black Soldiers: Un-national Wars and Militaries in Southern Africa

On Thursday, January 27th, Dr. Lennart Bolliger will present for us during our monthly online panel. He will be presenting and discussing his first published book: Apartheid’s Black Soldiers: Un-national Wars and Militaries in Southern Africa.
This event is open and free to all. There’s no need to register.
Dr. Lennart Bolliger will be presenting for approximately half an hour, which shall be followed by an hour long window for an interactive discussion between him and the attendees.
The book, which has just been published in the War and Militarism in African History series of Ohio University Press, examines the history of Black soldiers from Namibia and Angola who fought in apartheid South Africa’s security forces during the Cold War. His research has also been published in the Journal of Southern African Studies and the South African Historical Journal.
To give our members the opportunity to read up on the subject, Dr. Bolliger has courteously decided to share the introduction of his book with us. Please feel free to read through it if you are interested!
You can read the introduction by clicking the following link: Intro to ‘Apartheid’s Black Soldiers’
Dr. Lennart Bolliger is a Lecturer in the History of International Relations at Utrecht University. His work, broadly speaking, focuses on soldiering and militaries, anti-colonial struggles and their legacies, and the connections between gender and militarism. Before coming to Utrecht, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Asian and African Studies of the Humboldt University of Berlin and a visiting researcher at the History Workshop of the University of the Witwatersrand.