Call for Dissertation Review with Cold War History

Dear members, we have an interesting and exciting opportunity to present for those who are – or know someone who is – working on their history doctoral dissertations. Dr. Margot Tudor (Exeter) and Dr. Molly Pucci (Trinity College Dublin) are calling for unpublished doctoral dissertations in history to be reviewed in Cold War History. Many thanks to Liliane Stadler for pointing this out and to Dr. Tudor and Dr. Pucci for organizing this; we will add their call below:
Cold War History aims to publish reviews of unpublished PhD theses/dissertations in a new section of the journal dedicated to pathbreaking research by young scholars in the field of Cold War Studies. We are inviting expressions of interest from potential reviewers, as well as submissions from those interested in having their PhD theses/dissertations reviewed (please note that the theses/dissertations should not be published nor under contract to be imminently published). Please only submit an abstract to us if your thesis/dissertation is complete and you have finished your PhD.
Reviews should be around 1,000 words.
Submissions from all fields and specialties are welcome, in particular PhD theses/dissertations that are not being turned into monographs. Those interested in having their thesis/dissertation reviewed should submit a 400-word abstract, emphasizing original contribution to the field, to the book review team, Margot Tudor and Molly Pucci at: and