Prof. Dr. Johny Santana de Araújo
Professor of Contemporary History (Federal University of Piauí)
”Although I didn’t live in the USA or Europe, I lived through part of the Cold War in my childhood and adolescence. Some things made a very big impression on my memory: The specter of a nuclear war, when Operation Able Archer occurred in 1983, when the United States started the Star Wars Project, when the guerrillas in Afghanistan were putting pressure on the Soviet Army. When the US launched attacks against Libya in 1986. Cuban military operations in Angola, the beginning of detente in the late 80s, the space race at that time. By that time I already loved studying history and told myself that I would be a Historian and dedicate myself to Military History. It was a childhood and adolescence rich in memories, including the military government to which Brazil was subject, but equally fascinating in terms of the production of meanings.”