Conference Program Announced – Cold War (a)symmetries: Conflict, Cooperation and Trade

Event open to all! Register via this link
International Online Conference
University Valahia of Târgoviște
Târgoviște, Romania
28-29 October 2021
This conference aims to explore how asymmetric/unequal relationships shaped the Cold
War, in bilateral, multilateral, regional or global situations. It intends to discuss the
relationship between small and weaker actors versus great and stronger actors, both as
theory and as practice.
During the last few decades, benefiting from the opening of a multitude of state and party
archives from the ‘East side’ of the Cold War, a flourishing scholarship on the small powers
has emerged. Often cases, it was shown that the weaker actor could impose its preferences
on the stronger one or that the stronger actor cannot always (choose to) impose its
preferences on the weaker one. Observing the imbalanced relationships between the small
and the great powers, this scholarship usually focused on the interplay between the
hegemons and their clients – on how the hegemon struggled to maintain its dominance and control over its clients or on how the client tried to break its hegemon’s hold or to find its space of manoeuvre.
Our conference aims to explore Cold War asymmetric relationships beyond the traditional
East-West divide and the hegemon-client relationship, and beyond Europe.
For an overview of the full program, click the link below:
CWA Conference Programme
The conference is organized by the Valahia University of Târgoviște, Romania, as part of a
research project financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Resarch, CNCS –
UEFISDI, Project number PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0142, within PNCDI III.
To attend this virtual conference:
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