Call for Submissions: Conversations on Cold War History

We have another interesting call for submissions for anyone interested in contributing!
Three decades on from the collapse of the Soviet Union and two decades after the foundation of the journal, this year Cold War History launches Conversations on Cold War History, a new section dedicated to discussing the state of the field.
Conversations on Cold War History will provide a space for scholars at all stages of their careers to reflect on the field of Cold War History.
Possible formats include:
● state of the field essays – less formal and more reflective and personal than historiographic reviews
● interviews conducted by junior scholars with senior scholars working in the same area about research, methodology and change over time
● roundtables addressing anniversaries of important events during the Cold War or key developments and debates in sub-fields
The editorial board hopes that Conversations on Cold War History will provide the space
to explore developments and debates within the field, such as:
● new scholarship on the Global South and the Global Cold War
● new sources and interpretations on the Soviet Union’s role in the Cold War
● revisiting orthodoxies on the use and misuse of power in the Cold War
● the role of state, as well as non-state actors and international organisations
● transnational histories of the Cold War
● the periodisation of the Cold War
● the role of science, technology, and economics in the Cold War
● ideology, social and cultural histories of the Cold War
● the intersection of the Cold War with decolonisation
● the Cold War endings and what set them in motion
● lessons of the Cold War for the studies of international affairs
We assume that it is no longer sufficient or advisable to promote ‘new’ approaches over so-called traditional approaches (i.e. power politics), because the latter has been in hibernation and degradation for quite a while and is much in need of reinvigoration. Also, while the traditional emphasis on political and military aspects of the Cold War from the Western side continue to flourish, the Soviet factor has been fading away, to the point of bringing us to the situation of the 1970s, when the superpower aspects of the Cold War resembled ‘one handed clapping’.
While submissions must be written in English, the journal encourages contributions which recognise the importance of non-English language scholarship and sources to our understanding of the period. Where funds allow, the journal may be able to assist with the translation and editing of work by scholars for whom English is not a first language.
To read more, please click the following link: Conversation on CWH CfP
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