Bridging the Transatlantic Gap: The Dutch Balancing Act between NATO and the EEC in the 1980s
The first hundred days of any American Presidency are traditionally analysed for indications of the policy priorities of the new administration. American President Joe Biden’s first three months in office understandably largely focused on the American response to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, diplomats and scholars have highlighted some advances from President Biden, a long-time ardent…
Read moreThe Trump Administration’s Efforts to Redefine Human Rights Echoes Those of the Reagan Administration
Rasmus S. Søndergaard, Danish Institute for International Studies The Trump administration will not be remembered for its commitment to human rights but it did oversee an attempt to dramatically redefine the U.S. government’s conceptualization of human rights. In doing so it followed the path of several previous administrations, including the Reagan administration, which formulated a…
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Revisiting the Spanish Question: The Netherlands, Spain and the United Nations during the early Cold War, 1945-1950
Revisiting the Spanish Question: The Netherlands, Spain and the United Nations during the early Cold War, 1945-1950 Dr. Stefanie F. M. Massink, Utrecht University In 2020, the United Nations (UN) celebrated its 75th anniversary. The Netherlands was one of the 51 states that joined the multilateral organization from the start in 1945. In the…
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