
Invitation: A Tumultuous Asian Decade – 11 October 2021

One of our coordinators, Giles Scott-Smith, would like to extend a warm invitation to all our members for an upcoming event! On Monday 11 October, 17.00, at the ‘Nieuwspoort’, The Hague, the Netherlands Atlantic Association in cooperation with the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies will organize a program titled: A Tumultuous Asian Decade? China’s Challenge…

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Call for Papers: LSE-Sciences Po Seminar in Contemporary International History

Are you a faculty member or a PhD student in international contemporary history? If yes, do not miss this amazing academic seminar organized by the London School of Economics in collaboration with Sciences Po. The Seminar The seminar is an ideal environment to share works-in-progress, such as PhD chapters, journal articles, or sections of monographs…

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The 1999 Kosovo War and the Crisis in U.S.-Russia Relations

We are excited to present you the newest article published by Stephan Kieninger, on The International History Review. Dr Kieninger is a prominent historian and an important member of the Cold War Research Network, whose research projects focus on the history of the United States’ foreign relations and European Security. Abstract: Based on recently declassified…

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Call for Papers: “COLD WAR (A)SYMMETRIES: Conflict, Cooperation and Trade”

The Conference Do not miss the International Conference on the COLD WAR (A)SYMMETRIES: Conflict, Cooperation and Trade organized by the University Valahia of Târgoviște Târgoviște, Romania which will take place online on the 28th and 29th of October 2021. This conference aims to explore how asymmetric/unequal relationships shaped the Cold War in bilateral, multilateral, regional…

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Bridging the Transatlantic Gap: The Dutch Balancing Act between NATO and the EEC in the 1980s

The first hundred days of any American Presidency are traditionally analysed for indications of the policy priorities of the new administration. American President Joe Biden’s first three months in office understandably largely focused on the American response to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, diplomats and scholars have highlighted some advances from President Biden, a long-time ardent…

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Call for Papers: 11th Annual International Student Conference of the Cold War History Research Center, Budapest

Deadline: April 30, 2021 Event: 11th Annual International Student Conference of the Cold War History Center Date: 1-2, 2021 About the Cold War History Research Center of Budapest The Cold War History Research Center is a virtual center for Cold War history research in East Central Europe established in 1998. Through the Center’s English language…

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Call for Papers: Refugees and the (Global) Cold War

Deadline: May 7, 2021 Location: Germany Date: 29-30 October 2021 Subject Fields: Colonial and Post-Colonial History / Studies, Diplomacy and International Relations, Immigration & Migration History / Studies, Human Rights, World History / Studies This international workshop will bring together established and emerging scholars to chart the intersection between refugee history and Cold War history….

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Translation and the cultural Cold War

The Cold War Research Network (CWRN) is proud to present the new special issue edited by its member Esmaeil Haddadian-Moghaddam together with the CWRN coordinator Giles Scott-Smith on Translation and the cultural Cold War. Overall, in the bipolar arena of the Cold War, translation was a crucial tool used by superpowers in the ideological battle…

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