The Cold War Through Expert Eyes

Professor Dr. Ioannis Stefanidis

”The obvious answer is that the Cold War is the introduction to the contemporary, highly volatile and unpredictable, chapter of human history. The period between 1945 and 1991 offers important insights, e.g. to the ability of the superpowers to internalize and respect the nuclear taboo, or the perils of military interference in treacherous, third world…

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Dr. Patcharaviral Charoenpacharaporn

”Studying the Cold War is important to our understanding of the world today – which to an extent is a product of the Cold War. It enables one to see how things got to be as they are, not least in the geopolitical landscape, the economic disparity, as well as the volatile domestic politics in…

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Professor Dr. Johny Santana de Araújo

”The study of the Cold War constitutes a very important field of Military History, Contemporary History, the History of International Relations, Political History and the History of Conflicts. The relevance is indisputable due to the production of memory, meanings and the broad cultural aspect involved, constituting a very current universe.”          …

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Dr. Dario Fazzi

”The historical study of the Cold War gives us insights into the relevance of ideologies, alliances, and structures of power in regulating international affairs. Studying the cold War as a global, multifaceted conflict also allows us to better understand the roots of the complexity, intricacy, and interdependence that characterize our modern world.”      …

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Dr. Effie Pedaliu

”The words ‘Cold War’ are bandied around carelessly to describe relations between the US and China. It betrays an intellectually lazy approach to finding an apt term to describe a new type of rivalry between two global rivals in a multipolar international system where economic and social interactions between the two are significant. The current…

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Dr. Fernando Camacho Padilla

”The Cold War, like all global political processes, is important to study in order to draw lessons for a better understanding and to preserve world peace. Much of today’s geopolitical tensions have been dragging on since the end of World War II. It is important to draw parallels and look for experiences in conflict resolution….

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