Call for New Cold War History Bibliography Entries
Dear members we have an exciting announcement! The Cold War History Research Center is looking for contributions for their 6th edition of their bibliography of New Cold War History. More information concerning the organization and structure of submissions can be read on their website. Read their call below: Greetings from the Cold War History Research…
Read moreNew Publication: ‘Freedom on the Offensive: Human Rights, Democracy Promotion, and US Interventionism in the Late Cold War’
CWRN member William Michael Schmidli (Leiden University) wrote a new book, titled: Freedom on the Offensive: Human Rights, Democracy Promotion, and US Interventionism in the Late Cold War (Cornell University Press). The book argues that democracy promotion by the Reagan administration was used to ‘refashion the bipartisan Cold War consensus’ which had disintegrated in the late 1960s…
Read moreNew Publication: ‘ Dutch Hospitality’: The 1952 German-Jewish-Israeli Negotiations Amid Post-Holocaust and Post-Imperial Tensions’
CWRN member Lorena De Vita (Utrecht University) has recently published a journal article with the BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review (the journal of the Royal Netherlands Historical Society). Her article ‘Dutch Hospitality: The 1952 German-Jewish-Israeli Negotiations amid Post-Holocaust and Post-Imperial Tensions’ which examines the first official meeting between German, Jewish and Israeli representatives in…
Read moreNew Publication: ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Precarious State of a Double Agent during the Cold War’
CWRN members Eleni Braat (Utrecht University) and Ben de Jong (Leiden University) have recently published an open access journal article in the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (IJIC). Their article ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Precarious State of a Double Agent during the Cold War’ deals with Cold War double agent…
Read moreCall for Papers: European Summer Symposium on the Cold War
Exciting announcement! In keeping with the long-standing and thriving tradition of European Summer Schools on the Cold War, Utrecht University is currently planning a small-scale Summer Symposium where PhD candidates, early-career researchers, and senior scholars will converse about European Security, multilateral diplomacy, the (new) Cold War, and its repercussions. This will be a in person…
Read moreWar and (Anti-)Americanism in Europe: A Conversation with Alessandro Brogi
Dear members, We have an interesting upcoming event to share! The Roosevelt Institute for American Studies is organising an event titled ‘War and (Anti-)Americanism in Europe: A Conversation with Alessandro Brogi’. The talk will be held online on Friday 24th June at 16:00. The link for the event is: More information regarding this event…
Read moreLosing Earth? New MA student research on diplomacy and activism on climate change and the environment since 1968 and how it can help us think about the present day.
Losing Earth? New MA student research on diplomacy and activism on climate change and the environment since 1968 and how it can help us think about the present day. A symposium Thursday, June 2, 2022, 11-17h, VOC zaal, Bushuis Keynote: Benjamin W. Goossen (Harvard University/Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies) On Not Governing the Planet: Earth…
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The Transatlantic Era: a discussion of the new book edited by Bram Boxhoorn and Giles Scott-Smith
Dear members, We have an interesting upcoming event to share! On the 13th of June, there will be a seminar on the The Transatlantic Era: a discussion of the new book edited by Bram Boxhoorn and Giles Scott-Smith (Routledge, 2021). The seminar will be located in the University of Amsterdam. The seminar will be conducted in Dutch,…
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Call for Dissertation Review with Cold War History
Dear members, we have an interesting and exciting opportunity to present for those who are – or know someone who is – working on their history doctoral dissertations. Dr. Margot Tudor (Exeter) and Dr. Molly Pucci (Trinity College Dublin) are calling for unpublished doctoral dissertations in history to be reviewed in Cold War History. Many thanks to Liliane…
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International Conference: The Contributions of State Socialist Countries of Central Eastern Europe to the Development of International Law after 1945
We have another upcoming international conference to share with you, which will take place somewhere this September. The event will be hosted by the research project: The Contributions of State Socialist Countries of Central Eastern Europe to the Development of International Law after 1945. Details TBA! The project explores the overlooked role of state socialist…
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